7 Smart Ways to Take Action to Reduce Your Home Carbon Footprint.
1. The first way to take any action is to measure the impact you have. Begin by calculating your carbon footprint. When your goal is set on being as much as productive as you can get to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the first thing that is to be done is to calculate the amount of current carbon footprint. Once you make a proper note of your carbon footprint, you start to understand where your emissionscome from, and hence you can take steps to reduce your impact. 2. Drive less, as much as you can. For every mile that you decide to take a healthier step like that of walking, cycling, you cut down a truckload of carbon footprint. It is always a healthier alternative to opt for mass transit instead of driving. Also as a bonus, walking or biking to work are great ways to get the much-needed exercise in this busy life. 3. Switch to an Electric or Hybrid Car Don’t rush out and waste your hard-earned money on buying a new automobile, if you already own a perfectly serviceabl...